Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Going on an Egg Hunt

The kiddos experienced their first real Easter egg hunt this weekend. Well, it wasn't as much a hunt as an Easter egg gather, but everyone got their share of candy-filled plastic eggs and that's what an egg hunt is about, right? We headed down to Charlotte to visit with Bogey, Marmee, Aunt Meghann and Uncle John while we got prepared to hunt.

We started off the event with some much needed "healthy" snacks.

We were then introduced to the Easter Bunny himself. My kids do not like Santa - maybe it's the beard - but they love (and I mean LOVE) costumed animals. Easter Bunnies, Mickey Mouse, you name it, they go running straight at it. Kind of makes me wonder what our first trip to Disney World will be like. Adah was the official Easter Bunny stalker this particular day. Here she is once she had the poor costumed man/woman/disgruntled teenager trying to earn a buck in her sights.

She then proceeded to follow him around the entire room for the duration of his visit. Poor Meghann had to follow her all around the room making sure she didn't accidentally trip him or hog him too much from the other kids waiting to see him.

After our love affair with the bunny started to fade, it was time to hunt for eggs! If any of you know my husband and me, you know we are pretty competitive people. Of course I wanted my kids to just have a good time and get a couple eggs, but deep down I wanted them to come home with a big haul. You know those annoying kids that end up with so many eggs that they end up stuffing them in their pockets because their basket is overflowing?? Well, I must admit that secretly I wanted my kids to be THAT kid. Sad, isn't it? Well, when it came down to it, expecting 2 year olds to hunt for anything is just wishing for a miracle. They really don't get that concept yet. The eggs were simply dumped out and they gathered them up. Anti-climactic, I know, but at least they got the gathering idea down.

I have to admit that they did do a great job with their egg collecting. The competitive bones in my body felt the satisfaction of victory and we admired everyone's full baskets - until they all decided that dumping out all the eggs onto the ground was WAY more fun that collecting them. Oh well, maybe they'll start pushing kids out of the way and fighting for eggs next year.

After the hunt, it was time to say goodbye. The stalker got her fix one more time ...

And we headed for home. But not before making sure we decimated some of the property before we left. Unfortunately, we have a new found affinity for picking flowers off of arrangements. Oh well, that's what they get for placing them at a child's level, right?

We are headed off to sunny FL for spring break!! Hope everyone has a great Easter and please pray for us as we drive for 7+ hours in the car with 4 kiddies!

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