Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Chocolate Toast

Being that most of the country is dealing with things like blizzards, snow drifts and power outages, we are very thankful to be sitting at home with sunny skies and no white stuff on the ground. Out of respect for those dealing with all of these troubles, we had a hot chocolate toast in their honor. We figured it was the polite (and yummy) thing to do.

Too bad we didn't have any marshmallows on hand, but the kiddos didn't seem to mind. I did put some chocolate chips in the bottom of their cups and they got a kick out of that.

They also didn't seem to notice that they had ice in their "hot" chocolate because I boiled the water a little too long ... oops! Isn't frozen hot chocolate all the rage at Dairy Queen these days?

Hope everyone digs out from this mess soon! We'll keep having something hot and chocolatey every day until you do!

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