Thursday, November 24, 2011


While I have so many things to be thankful for in my life, I feel it can all get diluted when amassed into a large post about Thanksgiving. This is my favorite holiday because it is not about gifts, or costumes, or commercialism (well, I'm sure there's some commercialism that always manages to sneak in). It's about togetherness and family and the intangibles that we receive everyday. Things we take for granted that invariably mark us as blessed in the eyes of so many others throughout the world.

As I often find, children's blessings and prayers tend to provide the clearest and simplest directions for our thoughts on a day like today. So I'll leave you with some of our family's favorites. Here's wishing you and your family a season of togetherness and thankfulness on this day.

God our Father, God our Father
We thank You, we thank You
For our many blessings, for our many blessings
Amen, amen.

Thank you God for happy hearts,
for rain and sunny weather.
Thank you God for everything,
and that we are together.

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